Green fuels, logistics and applications to make international shipping greener!

Session 1 “Green fuels, logistics and applications” starts on Wednesday, 19 June at 1 p.m. and covers the following topics:

The session underscores that achieving sustainability in shipping is a multi-faceted challenge that requires concerted efforts across technology, logistics and collaboration. The insights provided by the speakers highlight both the progress already made and the significant efforts still required to make an effective transition to green fuels. By fostering innovation and addressing logistical challenges, the maritime industry can make significant progress towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

As we move forward, the continued development and integration of green fuel technologies, robust logistics infrastructures and collaborative initiatives such as the Sustainable Energy Hub Hamburg (SEH) will be crucial. These efforts will not only help to meet regulatory requirements, but also ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the shipping industry.

Join us to foster the exchange of ideas, to harness synergies, to promote co-operations and to network for an emission-free future.

Have a look at this year’s program and get to know our outstanding speakers and green shipping experts from around the world.

Get your online ticket for free, right now and today here:

We look forward to your participation!

Karsten Schönewald, Igor Sauperl and Nina Simon
on behalf of the entire LSSTF organising team