Alessandro Schönborn
WMU World Maritime University
Alessandro joined WMU in October 2018, where he is responsible for teaching Alternative Fuels and Marine Renewable Energy in the Maritime Energy Management (MEM) specialization. His research interests focus on fuel and propulsion technology, and on marine renewable energy from wave, tidal and ocean currents, but he has further interests in solar and wind power for marine applications.
Before joining WMU, Alessandro worked as research and development engineer at MAN Energy Solutions in Denmark, where he simulated hydraulics and fuel injection systems for liquid and gaseous fuels in marine two-stroke diesel engines. Prior to this, he worked as research scientist in the combustion research group at SINTEF Energy Research in Norway, where he developed fuels that can alter their ignition characteristics through photochemical reactions. He earlier worked as researcher on auto-ignition and combustion characteristics of alternative fuels in gas turbines, at Lund University in Sweden.
He graduated from University College London (UCL) with an M.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering, with a project on simulations and tests of a Marine Current Turbine, and holds a Ph.D. in combustion (UCL) for a thesis on renewable fuels for diesel engines.

Decarbonising shipping by enabling key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs: A preview of the consortium CHEK / Horizon 2020
The presentation will provide an overview of the EU funded CHEK consortium and its partners and the task to design a maximum decarbonised future vessel. Preview will show concept ideas of key technology symbiosis and planned real vessel tests.